A review of a serious assault charge identified a misinterpretation of witness testimony when compared with recovered digital evidence data.

Beware of the Obvious Fact… Poor evidence handling, unauthorised and unexplained access and alteration to data, and a disappointing disregard of exculpatory evidence found in remnants of

Digital Forensics brings Acquittal of Serious Assault Charge

A review of a serious assault charge identified a misinterpretation of witness testimony when compared with recovered digital evidence data.

Beware of the Obvious Fact…

Poor evidence handling, unauthorised and unexplained access and alteration to data, and a disappointing disregard of exculpatory evidence found in remnants of mobile phone data were evident.

Defendant Acquitted

The presentation of additional exculpatory evidence resulted in the defendants’ acquittal, and a just outcome achieved.

Lessons learned

Digital evidence should not be taken on face value by first responders with limited digital forensic expertise.